Senin, 24 Juni 2013 di 19.58 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

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Subhanallah! Ombak Besar Tiba-Tiba Membeku Di Antartika

Subhanallah! Ombak Besar Tiba-Tiba Membeku Di Antartika ( 6 Foto) | Masih ingat lagi dengan kejadian di Pakistan yang mana air lautnya menjadi membeku di sana. Kali ini ia berlaku pula di antartika. Namun bukan air lautnya sahaja yang membeku, malah ombaknya pula membeku keras. Inilah fenomena menakjubkan ia kelihatan unik dan menakutkan apabila ombak yang tinggi tiba-tiba membeku di sebabkan cuaca yang sangat sejuk. Jom lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013 di 14.55 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments

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UPDATED 12/06/13: After E3, is the console war already Sony's to lose?
So the big guns have fired their salvos at E3 and it looks like Sony is making the early running. A lower price, more powerful hardware and a popular stance against DRM put it ahead of its main rival after the first hurdle.
Here we’ll go through everything we know about the PS4 and also highlight everything we still don’t know. We’ll compare it to the competition and look at where a PS4-dominated future might take console gaming.
Below is the full E3 press conference, though there’s a lot of pre-amble so skip ahead to 33min in to get the start of the presentation, and right up to 54mins if you want to skip all the PS3 and Vita stuff and get straight on with the PS4 content.
If you missed out on the initial PS4 announcement event, which contains a lot more hardware information, you can watch a condensed version below.
There’s quite a lot to get through so we’ve broken it down into key sections.


Video games are often presented as being cutting-edge entertainment, but at E3 Sony struck a massive blow against its main rival by simply standing still. DRM, digital licensing and mandatory internet connections have become big topics in this fledgling console war. Microsoft’s plan was to join the likes of Apple, Amazon and Steam - with content that lives in the cloud and is attached to your user account rather than physical media - with all the restrictions and advantages that entails.

Sony subtly presents its point to Microsoft
It wasn’t a popular move though, or at least not popular with those on gaming websites, forums and twitter. And so Sony scored an open goal by announcing that disc-based games would work the same as ever, yours to play, yours to sell and yours to lend. This sounds simple compared to the Xbox One’s DRM system which you can read about in our Xbox One article, but at least Microsoft has detailed exactly how its system will work.
PS4 DRM-free
Sony have taken the moral high ground in the DRM battle, but we want more details
Interviews soon after the event made it clear that although Sony was certainly in the lead in this department, its statement wasn’t as all encompassing as first thought. It only applies to first-party Sony games, with third-party publishers free to implement whatever DRM restrictions they can invent. That leaves PS4 gamers in the same position as they are today, with constant incremental implementation of DRM by publishers. Microsoft’s system may be unpopular, but it looks to be all-encompassing, so you wouldn’t have a myriad of different DRM systems, and user accounts, from different publishers.
We hope we’re wrong and that DRM issues will not be a big issue on the PS4, but gaming is swimming against the tide here and we’re pessimistic. Many are picturing Microsoft as the big bad and Sony as a knight in shining armour, but until we get some clear answers to our questions (Sony hasn't been able to comment so far) we’ll be wary.
We're interested in such things as:
1. Has Sony made any commitment to getting all games on sale through PSN on the day of disc release? (first party and/or third party)
2. Will Sony be allowing gamers to share PSN purchases with friends/family on other consoles
3. Will PSN purchases be locked to a user account or to the console, or both in some way?
4. Will others on your PS4 be able to play multi-player online under their own ‘Truenames’ or will it only be the PS Plus subscriber?
Primarily, we want to know whether or not third-party publishers will be limited by Sony in their implementation of DRM through user accounts, with regards to gamers using cloud features, multiplayer, patches and other online components. The way gaming is moving, it’s all well and good to argue that you want to play single-player games alone and offline, but that is increasingly becoming sidelined, with single-player, multi-player and co-op all being blended together - such as in Bungie’s Destiny.

di 14.49 Diposting oleh Unknown 0 Comments